the request 2 : my best friend

" hahaha , zaki minat kau ? "

* apa si gopeng nih dok merapu *

" xde lh . dy asyik suruh aku promote dy . so aku promote la . knpe plak dy nk minat aku ? "

" bukan2 , there's something kt watsapp . ap bnda tah . islamic studies jap "

* haha , x caya aku dy nih ! *

we are just friends la , lala -.-'

if my last post i wrote about , typed actually , about promoting my friend , haha , well in this one i'm gonna introduce my best friend , lala , or known as L .

" me ? a stalker ? not anymore "

we'll see about that .
" awak , boleh tlg tahan jap ? "

* tahan ? *

" ok "

i know her ever since the first day of class when we were in sem 1 . everyone looked kinda arrogant to me , except this girl . she is nor dalila sofia bt ahmad satar , and people used to call her lala . we became closer since then , and by chance we are from mrsm , i'm from betong , sarawak , and she's from kuala kubu baru .

" kkb ? apa kkb ? "

" kuala kubu baru la "

" ow , mne tau . it could be anything else besides kuala kubu baru "

" kota kubu baru , haha "

yeah , i once said that kkb was kota kubu baru , just because i forgot about the name 

bukan nk puji melebih2 la , but she's a good friend . she's just like my best friend when i was in mrsm .

so after we become closer , every assignment that the lecturers gave us , we'll be in same group . except for certain subjects , such as english and metrology . other than that ,

" you can choose your own group members . one group must be blablabla "

" miza , lala , join ktorg "

" lala , sini lala , ajak miza skali "

yup , we always stick together .

she's really good in math . she loves math very much . and every test she scored the highest among us . she became our mentor instead .

" lala , blh ajar math ? "

" blh je . bla nk ? "

" tgk la . nnti inform . ajak miza skali "

" lala , betul ke ni aku buat ? "

" aah , betul lh . aku pn dpt jwpn sme gak "

" miza , ajar aku ni blh x ? "

" oh , tu aku xdpt jwb la , aku still kira lg . cuba tny lala "

lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala

lala here . lala there .

sometimes i feel pity of her , as people always call out her name , especially me , even a small thing i asked her to do for me . for example , open a bottle that is tightly capped . sometimes i feel like , oh god , i always susahkn dy . but she said , neh , aku x kesah la . and so , i keep bullying her since then . hehe

she's a really fast learner . she can remember things even though you just showed her in 5 seconds .

" eh miza , jangan mrh . aku gurau je "

" eh xde lh , aku x mrh pn "

" aku dh tau dh kau akn ckp cmtu . haha "

pdhal aku just keep silent . yeah , she asked the question and she answered it too . she knew what i'm gonna say . jimat air liur gak la kn ?

one of the things that we always do the same , is that we love to eat ice .

yup , just give us a plastic of teh ais , not the teh that we're looking for , it's the ice .

" ayah aku ckp , xbek mkn ais ni lebih2 lg kalau kita nga berpeluh . sbb ad sakit tu tah . aku pn x ingat "

" oh yeke ? ok la lepas ni xyah mkn ais lg lh "

" yela . aku pn xnk mkn ais lagi "

* later at cafe . . .

" eh lala , ais kau banyak la . asal aku pny ckit je ek ? "

" kau nk ke ? amik ar "

perangai masih x berubah . tau cakap je  we tried to change ourselves once , by writing down our schedule and follow it 100% . do you think we made it ?

" lala , esk kita nk buat ap nih ? "

" ok . esk , pagi kita beli barang , lepas tu kita g gmi amik board tu . mlm kita buat nota agama "

" rajin kau nk buat nota "

" kene doe . aku xnk nnti kita kne revise balik dr mula . bla buat nota at least kita dh belajar ckit "

* motivasi diri *

" ok . hri selasa ? "

" hri selasa bi . hri rabu kita ikut ayah aku buat program , malam tu  study german "

we did follow the schedule actually . but not entirely . hehe

" ok . hri ni kita dh beli barang . so kita buat nota agama skrg . bgs2 . kita dh ad kemajuan lala "

* bgs gak tinggal kt umh lala nih . aku jd productive *

 productive la sangat !

somehow we looked like as if we're trying to   from the schedule . day by day it we should study at 9pm , but instead we made it even late than we planned .

" lala , jom stdy . ke kau nk rehat dulu ? "

" blh gak . aku on9 jap . hehe "

* after an hour

" lala , stdy jom . lala ? "

" lala , bangun . stdy jom "

" ok "

* buat nota agama

" la , aku nk tdo jap . bangun kn aku 5 minit lg tau "

 * 5 minutes later

" miza , bangun . stdy miza "

" kejap la . 5 minit lg "

 * 5 minutes later

" miza . stdy miza "

" ish kau nih , aku x kacau kau tdo pn . biar la aku tdo kejap . kau tdo aku bg extra time lg tau "

lepas tu , ble bangun tdo esk tu tau menyesal plak .

best friends sometimes fight each other . we had a fight once . but the last day before the final paper , i went to her room and explained everything . hear everything . that made me learn something . that teamwork and trust between best friends are very important . somehow i managed to get some help , but it turned out to be i have those who dislike in what i'm doing . i always get help in everything that i do .

" come to think of it , it's your luck . why should we be angry with you ? "

maybe i did make a mistake . and for some reason she too felt being left out . one thing that made me respect her is that during our fight , people talked about me a lot . and she somehow being hypnotized by some words that made her feel being left out . instead of saying mean words too , she stood up for me . even though the conversations were not well between us . 

if you need some news to be spread very fast , especially gossips , just tell her . she spreads them very very fast . but sometimes she makes up stories that made the gossips very hot ! boleh tahan......

" miza , tadi kn ida nak amik handphone kt warta . tp kedai tu x siap buat lg "

" miza , tadi kn aku ngn lala g warta "

" lepas tu handphone kau x siap lg kn ? so kau xleh nk amik handphone "

" mcm mna kau tau nih ? ! "

" lala dh bgtau aku "

" aku bgtau dy sblm kau dtg lg "

* roomate lala masok bilik

" eh tadi kn , ida g warta ... "

" eh , perlu ke kau bgtau semua org ? "

between me and lala , we have no secrets . well , i can say that i can tell her anything , she can tell me anything either .

and because of that too , she told me more about her past , especially her moments in mrsm .

" pernah kn mse lelaki masok asrama perempuan kn , aku blablabla "

" la yeke ? lepas tu ? "

* a few days later

" mse lelaki masok asrama perempuan kt mrsm aku dlu , aku blablabla "

* a few months later

" mse lelaki masok asrama perempuan kt mrsm aku dlu , ak blablabla "

" ye , lepas tu kau blablabla "

" hehe , kesian kau kne dgr cte aku berkali2 "

" ye , cte ap je yg aku xtau psl kau ni lala "

yup , the stories keep repeating over and over again .  and because of that , i'm too addicted to that disease now .

she's sometimes forgetful as well .

" kt dpn kls aku ad 2 tangga tau . blablabla . phm x cte aku ? "

" ye lala , aku tau . aku penah g mrsm kau "

" yeke ? aah la "

so everytime she tells me about her mrsm , i can automaticly imagine that more lively . she showed me around when we went to mrsm kkb for jelajah mrsm . so that's it . there's a lot to say actually . thank god we still best friends even though there's a lot that we've been through . she always cheer me up , always give me strength when i'm down , and always there for me . yup , she is .

* arguing about the pictures we posted in islamic studies watsapp

" aku x mcm kau . kau hotsetap . aku segan la blablabla "

" aku bkn ny hotsetap . aku biasa je la . hotsetap blablabla "

" yela . xyah hotsetap sgt . jd normal people sudah . penat dgr skrg ni org sekeliling nk famous . haha with dat u have to write something about me "

awwwww , isn't she's cute saying that ?


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